Systematics tests overview

Basic structure

SysTests are the name within Stile for the systematics tests to be run on the data. Individual tests are objects. You create them using a function type plus, in some cases, a specific name:

>>> stat_test = stile.StatSysTest()
>>> rho1_test = stile.CorrelationFunctionSysTest('Rho1')

Then those objects can be called with some data to get the result:

>>> rho1_result = rho1_test(star_data)

And most objects have a plot() method to then plot this data, which you call using the result as the argument:

>>> rho1_plot = rho1_test.plot(rho1_result)
>>> rho1_plot.savefig('rho1.png')

All of these calls may have allowable kwargs–see the documentation for the functions for more information.

To figure out which specific types of each test are available, you can look at the docstrings:

>>> help(stile.WhiskerPlotSysTest)
    Initialize an instance of a :class:`BaseWhiskerPlotSysTest` class, based on the
    ``type`` kwarg given.  Options are:
        - **Star**: whisker plot of shapes of PSF stars
        - **PSF**: whisker plot of PSF shapes at the location of PSF stars
        - **Residual**: whisker plot of (star shape-PSF shape)
        - **None**: an empty :class:`BaseWhiskerPlotSysTest` class instance, which
          can be used for multiple types of whisker plots.  See the documentation for
          :class:`BaseWhiskerPlotSysTest` (especially the method :func:`whiskerPlot`)
          for more details.  Note that this type has a different call signature than
          the other methods and that it lacks many of the convenience variables the
          other WhiskerPlots have, such as self.objects_list and

or, alternately, head over to the Systematics tests documentation page, which has nicer formatting.

To figure out what kind of data each test needs, you can check the documentation. You can also use attributes of the object itself, if you used a specific name in the object creation (as in the creation of rho1_test but not stat_test). To figure out which data set(s) to use, look at the .objects_list attribute:

>>> print rho1_test.objects_list
['star PSF']

The stile.objectNames dict will tell you more about that kind of data:

>>> print stile.objectNames['star PSF']
stars used in PSF determination

You can also see the required fields of data (as described in the Data structure documentation) using the .required_quantities attribute of the SysTest object:

>>> print rho1_test.required_quantities
[('ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'psf_g1', 'psf_g2', 'w')]

The first tuple correponds to the first list item from .objects_list, the second tuple to the second list item, etc. If you want to know more about that field name, the stile.fieldNames dict will explain:

>>> print stile.fieldNames['psf_g1']
the g1 of the psf at the location of this object
>>> print stile.fieldNames['w']
the weight to apply per object

We detail the correlation function types (stile.CorrelationFunctionSysTest, stile.WhiskerPlotSysTest, stile.ScatterPlotSysTest, stile.HistogramSysTest, and StatSysTest) below.

Correlation functions

Correlation functions are child classes of stile.sys_tests.BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest. You use the function stile.CorrelationFunctionSysTest to create them. They’re all wrappers for Mike Jarvis’s TreeCorr code, so you’ll need to have that installed to use them. The predefined types are:

  • GalaxyShear: tangential and cross shear of galaxies around lenses (point-shear)
  • BrightStarShear: tangential and cross shear of galaxies around bright stars (point-shear)
  • StarXGalaxyDensity: number density of galaxies around stars (point-point)
  • StarXGalaxyShear: shear-shear cross correlation of galaxies and stars (shear-shear)
  • StarXStarShear: autocorrelation of the shapes of stars (shear-shear)
  • StarXStarSize: autocorrelation of the size residuals for stars, relative to PSF sizes (scalar-scalar)
  • GalaxyDensityCorrelation: position autocorrelation of galaxies (point-point)
  • StarDensityCorrelation: position autocorrelation of stars (point-point)
  • Rho1: rho1 statistics (autocorrelation of residual star shapes) (shear-shear)
  • None: creates a more flexible but less automatic class. Instead of the usual call signature, which just takes one or more data sets, the first argument to an object created this way must be a TreeCorr correlation function type (such as gg or ng). This object also won’t have the .objects_list and .required_quantities described above.

Calling these objects returns a formatted NumPy array of the correlation functions. If the order of the data sets matters–eg for GalaxyShear–any data set that only needs positions should go first, and any data set with a scalar value you’re using should go last. For example:

>>> bright_star_shear = stile.CorrelationFunctionSysTest('BrightStarShear')
>>> results = bright_star_shear(bright_star_data, galaxy_data)

The plotting method returns a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance that can be saved by savefig() or further altered if you like.

The estimators are different depending on the type. Point-point estimates by default use the Landy-Szalay estimator:

\[\xi = (DD-2DR+RR)/RR\]

and must include a random catalog.

All shears in the following descriptions are the complex form in the frame aligned with the vector between the two points, that is, \(g = \gamma_t + i\gamma_x\).

Point-shear estimates are equivalent to average tangential shear, returned as real \(\langle \gamma_t \rangle\) and imaginary \(\langle \gamma_x \rangle\). If random catalogs are given, they are used as random lenses, and \(\langle \gamma_t \rangle-\langle \gamma_{t, {\rm rand}} \rangle\) is returned instead.

Shear-shear correlation functions are \(\xi_+\) and \(\xi_-\). They are functions of the spatial correlation of the shears and their complex conjugates in sky coordinates; see e.g. Jarvis et al. 2016 for complete definitions of \(\xi_+\) and \(\xi_-\). The \(\xi\) functions should be completely real (within noise), although the results will include the imaginary portions as a cross-check.

Point-scalar (point-kappa) estimates are equivalent to <scalar>. Scalar-shear estimates are equivalent to <scalar*Re(shear)> with a corresponding imaginary case <scalar*Im(shear)>, corresponding to the correlation between the scalar value of the first sample at that point and the tangential shear (real) or the shear at 45 degrees from the tangent (imaginary) from the second sample. Scalar-scalar estimates are <scalar1*scalar2>. Random catalogs result in compensated estimators as in the point-shear case.

Whisker plots

Whisker plots are child classes of stile.sys_tests.BaseWhiskerPlotSysTest. They’re the standard weak lensing whisker plots: visualizations of the shear field using headless arrows. The predefined types are:

  • Star: whisker plot of shapes of PSF stars
  • PSF: whisker plot of PSF shapes at the location of PSF stars
  • Residual: whisker plot of (star shape-PSF shape)
  • None: an empty stile.sys_tests.BaseWhiskerPlotSysTest class instance, which can be used for multiple types of whisker plots. See the documentation for stile.sys_tests.BaseWhiskerPlotSysTest (especially the method whiskerPlot) for more details. Note that this type has a different call signature than the other methods and that it lacks many of the convenience variables the other WhiskerPlots have, such as self.objects_list and self.required_quantities.

Calls to child classes of stile.sys_tests.BaseWhiskerPlotSysTest return matplotlib.figure.Figure instances and can be saved directly as images, but a plot() method is included (that just returns the figure passed to it) so the plotting interface is the same as other SysTests.

Scatter plots

Scatter plots are child classes of stile.sys_tests.BaseScatterPlotSysTest. They generate scatter plots of the data plus a linear regression fit through the scattered points. There is also an optional comparison trendline at \(y=0\) or \(x=y\) (or a user-defined function). The predefined types are:

  • StarVsPSFG1: star vs PSF g1
  • StarVsPSFG2: star vs PSF g2
  • StarVsPSFSigma: star vs PSF sigma
  • ResidualVsPSFG1: (star - PSF) g1 vs PSF g1
  • ResidualVsPSFG2: (star - PSF) g2 vs PSF g2
  • ResidualVsPSFSigma: (star - PSF) sigma vs PSF sigma
  • ResidualSigmaVsPSFMag: (star - PSF)/PSF sigma vs PSF magnitude
  • None: an empty stile.sys_tests.BaseScatterPlotSysTest class instance, which can be used for multiple types of scatter plots. See the documentation for stile.sys_tests.BaseScatterPlotSysTest (especially the method scatterPlot) for more details. Note that this type has a different call signature than the other methods and that it lacks many of the convenience variables the other ScatterPlots have, such as self.objects_list and self.required_quantities.

Calls to child classes of stile.sys_tests.BaseScatterPlotSysTest return matplotlib.figure.Figure instances and can be saved directly as images, but a plot() method is included (that just returns the figure passed to it) so the plotting interface is the same as other SysTests.

You can turn the trendlines on and off with the kwarg reference_line='zero' (at \(y=0\)), reference_line='one-to-one' (at \(x=y\)), or reference_line=function (to overplot the line given by function(x), which must return a 1D NumPy array given a vector x). Results binned on the basis of a data field labeled 'CCD' can be generated via the kwarg per_ccd_stat=True.


The HistogramSysTest systematics tests generate histograms, optionally using optimized bin widths. You can pass a one-dimensional dataset to display its histogram; a list of one-dimensional datasets to generate histograms on the same axes; a formatted array (see Data structure) and a field to generate a histogram for that field; or a list of formatted arrays and a field or list of fields to generate multiple histograms on the same axes.

To operate on a data vector:

>>> histogram_sys_test_vector = stile.HistogramSysTest()

To operate on a formatted array,

>>> histogram_sys_test_field = stile.HistogramSysTest('g1')

or pass the field at runtime:

>>> results = histogram_sys_test_vector(data, field='g1')

To operate on multiple data vectors:

>>> results = histogram_sys_test_vector([data, data2])

or on multiple formatted arrays:

>>> results = histogram_sys_test_field([data, data2])


>>> results = histogram_sys_test_vector([data, data2], field='g1').

To plot multiple fields from the same array, you’ll need to pass the same array multiple times, due to implementation details:

>>> results = histogram_sys_test_vector([data, data], field=['g1', 'g2'])

or of course you can just access those fields yourself:

>>> results = histogram_sys_test_vector([data['g1'], data['g2']]).

By default, the HistogramSysTest makes a histogram with 50 bins. You probably want to choose different binning. You can have Stile pick the binning for you based on two different algorithms:

>>> # Scott's rule
>>> scott_rule_hist = stile.HistogramSysTest(binning_style='scott')
>>> # Freedman-Diaconis rule
>>> freedman_rule_hist = stile.HistogramSysTest(binning_style='freedman')

Scott’s rule chooses bins based on the sample size and the sample standard deviation, while the Freedman-Diaconis rule uses the interquartile range instead of the sample standard deviation, so it is less sensitive to outliers.

You can also just set your own number of bins.

>>> ten_bins_hist = stile.HistogramSysTest(nbins=10)

These plots are very configurable–you can add vertical lines, colors, text, and you can also change the appearance of the histogram itself. See the documentation for HistogramSysTest for more information.

Basic statistical quantities

The StatSysTest systematics tests are designed to measure basic statistical quantities on a vector of data or on a field from a data array. To operate on a data vector:

>>> stat_sys_test_vector = stile.StatSysTest()

To operate on a formatted array,

>>> stat_sys_test_field = stile.StatSysTest('g1')

or pass the field at runtime:

>>> results = stat_sys_test_vector(data, field='g1')

Currently, a stile.StatSysTest will compute min, max, median, median absolute deviation (MAD), mean, standard deviation, variance, and number of objects, and will additionally compute the skew and kurtosis if scipy.stats can be imported. It will also compute percentiles in the data: by default, the percentiles correspond to 1, 2, and 3 sigma values around the median for a Gaussian function, but this can be changed with the percentiles kwarg.

StatSysTests return a stile.Stats object, with all of the above quantities available as attributes (with names given above, except for mad [MAD], stddev [standard deviation], and N [number of points]). You can call a plot() method, but it won’t do anything. Printing the object results in a nicely-formatted summary. Results will be automatically printed if you pass the kwarg verbose=True.